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Jefferson County Awarded the Excellence Award

Shirley Bodiford

B y: S h i r l e y B o d i f o r d

The Jefferson County Farmers Federation Board and other Federation committees attended our annual State Convention in Montgomery on December 2 & 3, 2018. We had very good attendance and accomplished a lot of positive items in the two days of meetings. Our President, Mr. Jimmy Parnell was re-elected unanimously for another two-year term.

On Monday morning a ‘Tribute Breakfast' was held to honor our various County Federation members who have passed away this year..Everyone received a pledge card with which they can make a pledge in honor of these special members who have passed on. The pledge will benefit Ag In the Classroom, Agriculture and Forestry Scholarships,,Junior Beef Expo, State Youth Swine Show, and other agriculture and education related programs. These hard working members are sorely missed but they will live on in our hearts forever.

Later in the morning session, awards were given to different deserving Counties for all their hard work. Jefferson County Farmers Federation was among these few selected winners. President John Morris accepted the “Award of Excellence” for Jefferson County. We are so proud of all our members hard work! In addition, several Young Farmer Committees received “Awards of Excellence” for all their hard work.

Later that day, the Women's Leadership Committee met for a lunch and the newly elected ladies, as well as, those still in their positions were introduced to everyone at the luncheon. A slide presentation of different counties’ activities were shown, and the food price surveyors were recognized receiving a nice gift for their hard work during the year. Upon departing the luncheon, we were each awarded an ornament for our tree, which is always a pleasant surprise for each lady attending.

On our final session Monday night, we were pleased to have our Governor Kay Ivey speak at the opening of our last meeting. She grew up in rural Wilcox County on a family farm, having a special appreciation for agriculture and related fields. Another surprise speaker was former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. He is a great motivational speaker who inspired the crowd while also enlightening the group on his perspective about the issues in Washington.

Check out more photos from our annual meeting on our Facebook page.

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