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Federation Programs during COVID

Writer's picture: HLKHLK

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

The Jefferson County Farmers Federation has been busy with projects as much as we can be. Several projects had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19. Because of this, we were not able to go into schools with our Career Day and Farm Day programs. We are hoping to proceed with our poster contest and our Farm-City Banquet but it will be a condensed version for this year.

We were able to give all our reports at our membership meeting and discuss our Neighbors insert about our honey commodity. We also had 8 students awarded the $1000 scholarships. In addition to these very deserving students, the Federation also had 3 students for this year to receive full scholarships.

Currently, we are planning for our Farm-City poster, essay and media contests as well. The Federation will award these winners on November 24, 2020. “Sweet Grown Alabama” is our theme for this year. We look forward to seeing all the good poster, essay and media entries along with meeting teachers and parents. So students please work on these and be ready to turn in the entries by our deadline on October 30, 2020.

Everyone stay safe and wear your masks!

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